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研究 数据对话:全国城市联盟, PolicyLink, and the 政治与经济研究联合中心 Discuss Racial, 经济, 与社会公平

2020年6月3日,12bet官方研究所举办了一场研讨会 数据的对话 讨论12bet官网, particularly in light of the disproportionate impacts of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 on communities of color, and ways to promote racial justice and a more inclusive economy. 虚拟讨论 包括来自全国城市联盟的专家小组, PolicyLink, and the 政治与经济研究联合中心 who are using data to track inequities, 领导推动经济和社会公平, and advocating to ensure the challenges facing all communities are considered in policy decisions.

法雷尔, JPMC研究所的总裁兼首席执行官, opened the conversation by acknowledging the terrible events of recent weeks – tragedies we have seen all too often – and the history of racial injustice in the U.S.  Farrell also noted that all of this is taking place amidst the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic as racial and ethnic minorities bear the brunt of both the health and economic crisis.  JPMC研究所 研究  记录了收入和财富方面的巨大种族差距. 白人家庭平均收入的每一美元, 黑人家庭平均收入仅为71美分, 西班牙裔家庭平均收入为74美分.  流动资产的缺口是这个数字的两倍.  怀特家族持有的每一美元流动资产, 黑人家庭的平均收入只有32美分, 西班牙裔家庭的平均收入只有47美分.  These gaps have positioned Black and Hispanic families with fewer resources to weather economic shocks, 甚至在新型冠状病毒肺炎危机爆发之前. 

菲奥娜格雷格, JPMC研究所消费者研究部主任, 主持小组讨论, which focused on targeted policy responses and the need to shift from conversation to action.


迈克尔·迈克菲, PolicyLink的总裁兼首席执行官, emphasized that the persistent and growing racial gaps in the U.S. 是结构性种族主义和不作为的结果吗, 而不是缺乏数据或政策解决方案, as organizations have been putting out 研究 and policy recommendations for years. McAfee noted that we have systems of oppression and an implicit value hierarchy, but we also have leaders in various institutions who are empowered to make change – and what we need now are institutions ready to receive the policy work and put it into action. He emphasized that decision makers need to be centered on who they’re trying to help, and that a results statement and clear indicators of progress can provide accountability and allow organizations to move from conversation to action.

杰西卡·富尔顿, 副总统 at the 政治与经济研究联合中心, 回应这, sharing that when her organization came together to more precisely articulate who they’re trying to help, 他们以“黑人社区”——黑人工人为中心, LGBTQ黑人, 黑妈妈, 黑色的爸爸, 等等....... She recommended that as policy- and decision-makers strive to understand how decisions may impact the Black community, they should seek out and elevate the voices of community organizations and individuals who have lived experiences and insights to offer but may not have the same platform.


Marc Morial, 全国城市联盟的主席兼首席执行官, 讨论公平政策, stating that in order to address and undo public and private redlining, we have to target and over-invest in the communities that need it most. 莫里亚提倡有针对性的政策, 包括基于收入, 实体, 以及基于行业的支持, noting that income-based aid would allow lower-income families to attain a sustainable or living wage and 实体 polices could be targeted to neighborhoods with median incomes below a certain level. 他指出,美国正在采取行动.S. tax code already uses these methods of targeting, so it’s not a new idea.

迈克菲回应了对针对性政策的支持, stating that if organizations don’t target their relief efforts, 他们丧失了谈论结果的权利. Fulton also emphasized the importance of ensuring the right people – and diverse voices – are in the room when policies are written and debated, 当最终做出决定时. She noted that there was a lack of diverse voices in the room during the initial 新型冠状病毒肺炎 stimulus package negotiations, and that the policy outcomes didn’t go far enough in solving the problems people are facing financially.


迈克菲接任PolicyLink总裁兼首席执行官时, 他问自己:“我们的组织值得存在吗??” and stressed that he didn’t want the organization to be just another think tank putting out passive data and policy prescriptions, but rather an organization that fights for those who need it most – particularly in this moment. 重要的是, McAfee put out a call to action noting that now is the time for leaders to be bold, 努力工作,创造改变, 否则他们的组织就会破产. 领导者既要尊重他人,又要具有颠覆性. He acknowledged that sometimes this can be intense and uncomfortable, 但正如他在自己的团队中看到的那样, 一个多样化的, passionate staff holds the organization accountable and puts pressure on the organization to deliver.

Fulton noted the ways in which the Joint Center is also challenging existing structures. Morial, an advisor to many of 12bet官方’s philanthropic initiatives, commended the work that JPMC has done in funding and promoting 推进黑人道路, JPMC研究所, 以及基于地点的倡议, 比如《12bet官方》, which is something that financial institutions were not doing 10 years ago. Greig closed by saying that there is still a lot of work to be done – at JPMC and across institutions – and that the 研究所 is focused on asking the tough questions and continued 研究 in these areas.

We are grateful to the panelists for their expert insights and perspectives, 当我们反思自己的角色时,哪些是无价的 in supporting change and driving towards a more equitable society.

Marc Morial

Marc Morial
总统 & 首席执行官




总统 & 首席执行官

This event is part of the 研究所’s “数据的对话” engagements, 正在进行的一系列与顶尖专家的对话, 政策制定者, business and nonprofit leaders linking 研究 with important policy topics of the day.