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The purpose of the Board of Directors’ 风险委员会 is to assist the Board in its oversight of management’s responsibility to implement an effective global risk management framework reasonably designed to identify, 评估和管理公司的战略, 信贷与投资, 市场, 操作风险. The 风险委员会’s responsibilities include approval of applicable primary risk 政策 and review of certain associated frameworks, 由管理层建立的分析和报告.




  1. 风险委员会应仅由非管理层董事组成, 数目不少于三个.
  2. Each member of 风险委员会 shall meet the independence standards of the New York Stock Exchange corporate governance listing standards as of the Firm’s most recent annual meeting and the Firm’s standards of independence as provided in the Corporate 治理原则 of the Board. 风险委员会应 be chaired by an independent director as defined in the regulations of the Federal Reserve.
  3. 公司管治委员会每年检讨风险委员会的成员 & 提名委员会,并由董事会批准,董事会还指定委员会主席. 每个风险委员会成员和主席都是由董事会决定的.
  4. 风险委员会成员应, 在董事会的决定中, consist of the appropriate backgrounds and experience to discharge the oversight responsibilities of 风险委员会, and 风险委员会 membership shall meet all applicable regulatory or legal requirements regarding expertise and other qualifications. 至少一名成员应具有识别经验, 评估和管理大型风险敞口, 复杂的金融公司.



  1. 风险委员会应在其认为适当的情况下尽可能频繁地开会, 但频率不会低于每季度一次. 主席应主持风险委员会的所有会议,并制定议程.
  2. 风险委员会应 meet 定期 with the Chief Risk Officer in private sessions to discuss any matters that 风险委员会 or the Chief Risk Officer believes should be discussed, 风险委员会还应定期召开执行会议. Such sessions shall generally be held in conjunction with each regularly scheduled meeting of 风险委员会.
  3. The 风险委员会 may ask any officer or employee of the Firm to attend the meeting of 风险委员会 or for such persons to meet with any members of, 或顾问, 风险委员会.
  4. 风险委员会有权在其认为适当时聘请顾问, 包括批准费用和保留条款, 未经董事会或管理层事先许可, 并应为此目的提供必要的资源.
  5. 风险委员会应定期向董事会报告, 通常在风险委员会会议之后的下一次定期董事会会议上, 已采取的行动和风险委员会审查的重大事项.
  6. 风险委员会应根据法律、法规或协议的要求审核和批准事项.
  7. 风险委员会或其主席应至少每年召开一次关于赔偿的会议 & 管理发展委员会 of the Board to assist that committee in its review of the Firm’s compensation practices, 包括有关风险专业人员补偿的政策, 以及风险之间的关系, 根据公司的目标进行风险管理和薪酬, including its safety and soundness and the avoidance of compensation practices that would encourage excessive risk taking.



A.  风险委员会应针对本所全球风险管理框架和风险:

  1. Approve such 政策 as may be designated by 风险委员会 as Board 风险委员会 Policies Primary Risk Policies, 并每年审查和批准这些政策的任何重大变化.
  2. 每年审查和批准公司的定量和定性风险偏好. 根据定义的风险偏好接收结果报告. The 风险委员会 Chair shall be notified promptly if Firm Risk Appetite results have exceeded or are forecasted to exceed risk appetite.
  3. 审核由管理层确定的重大风险问题报告.
  4. 定期与各业务部门的首席执行官和首席投资官会面.

B.  风险委员会应, with respect to evaluating that there is in place an effective system of controls reasonably designed to evaluate and control risk throughout the Firm:

  1. 审核并批准管理层要求的参数、限制和/或阈值. 应及时通知风险委员会主席公司范围内的违规行为.
  2. 审查与管理层达成一致的其他关键指标,并根据这些指标审查绩效..
  3. 收到, 定期, 从风险和合规管理, 适当的, 就内部审计报告中的重大控制问题进行沟通和介绍, 外部审计员的管理函件, 以及监管部门的审查报告, (三)有关职能部门认定的其他重大控制事项, 适当的, 及其决议情况.

C.  风险委员会就资金和流动性的分析和规划应:

  1. 除非整个董事会审查和批准, 审核和批准公司的复苏计划和年度资本计划.
  2. 回顾分析公司的流动性风险. If liquidity management issues develop between meetings of 风险委员会 that the Chief Financial Officer believes could have a material adverse impact on the Firm, 首席财务官应及时向风险委员会主席报告此类问题.
  3. 在流动性风险管理方面, 至少每年批准应急拨款计划, 批准对计划的任何实质性修改.
  4. Review the acceptable level of liquidity risk that the Firm may assume in connection with its operating strategies (liquidity risk tolerances) 至少每年一次, 并每年提交董事会批准.
  5. 收到 and review at least semi-annually information provided by senior management to determine whether the Firm is operating in accordance with its established liquidity risk tolerances, 并每半年提交董事会审查.
  6. 定期检讨流动性风险管理策略, 政策, 以及由高级管理层制定的程序, 并提交董事会批准和定期审查.



  1. 事务所的首席风险官应向首席执行官和风险委员会报告.
  2. 风险委员会应与CEO协商并批准任命, 评价, 更换, 重新分配, 或解雇首席风险官. 风险委员会或其主席应与首席执行官和薪酬委员会协商 & 管理发展委员会或其主席,并应批准薪酬, 首席风险官的非财务绩效目标和继任计划. 风险委员会应 also review the performance and approve the succession planning of the Chief Risk Officer’s direct reports.
  3. 风险委员会应审查首席风险官提出的优先事项, 年度预算和人员编制计划.
  4. 首席风险官, 每条业务线的首席风险官, 本所首席合规官, 以及首席风险官(视情况而定)的其他直接报告, 在每次定期会议上, discuss with 风险委员会 any concerns that they reasonably believe could be material to the Firm or to a line of business. Such officers shall also describe any actions that have been or are planned to be taken to address such concerns.
  5. If risk management issues develop between meetings of 风险委员会 that the Chief Risk Officer believes could have a material adverse impact on the Firm, 首席风险官应及时向风险委员会主席报告此类问题.
  6. 风险委员会应, 与审计委员会一起, review audit results prepared by Internal Audit assessing the effectiveness of the risk governance framework, and 风险委员会 may also meet with the 审计委员会 on such other topics of common interest or other matters as required by law, 法规或协议. 首席风险官 and the Chief Compliance Officer each shall have access to communicate with 风险委员会 on any matter relevant to risk and compliance.



  1. The 风险委员会 has full and complete authority to act for and on behalf of the Firm’s national bank subsidiaries (the “Banks”) in the exercise of the risk committee responsibilities of the Banks, pursuant to authority granted to 风险委员会 by the By-laws of the Banks and by the Board of Directors of 12bet官方 & Co. 促进这种责任, 风险委员会 has a duty to seek to preserve the safety and soundness of the Banks and exercises its oversight of the Banks’ risk committee matters with the understanding that the Banks’ interests are not to be subordinated to the interests of the parent holding company in a way as to jeopardize the safety and soundness of the Banks.



  1. 风险委员会应进行审查, 至少每年一次, 委员会的章程,并就公司治理的任何拟议变更提出建议 & 提名委员会及董事会批准. 风险委员会应进行, 并向董事会报告, 风险委员会的年度绩效评估结果, which 评价 shall include a comparison of the performance of 风险委员会 with the requirements of this charter.





琳达B. Bammann(椅子)

