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推进 opportunity through evidence-based policy solutions.

The Business Case for Housing Supply


在全国越来越多的地方,经济适用房的严重短缺是共享繁荣的一个重大障碍. 住房负担能力是政府和社区领导人关注的问题,也必须成为私营部门的优先事项. 满足工人和家庭需求的住房市场是包容性经济发展的基础, 金融稳定, and wealth-building opportunities.

许多私营部门的领导人都明白有才能的劳动力和质量的可用性之间的关键交集, 负担得起的, opportunity-connected housing. Workers choose jobs based on the opportunity, 位置, 通勤的长度和方式, and pay relative to the cost of living. 今天, 然而, 许多工人努力寻找就业机会,使他们能够满足他们的住房需求. 在2023年 够不着 报告, 全国低收入住房联盟(National Low Income Housing Coalition)发现,在全国范围内,租一套一居室或两居室公寓的成本超过了工资中位数, 有时差距很大. 该报告还发现,负担得起的租赁单元短缺对女性、黑人和西班牙裔工人的影响尤为严重.

While we have seen progress in some places in recent years, headwinds persist. 高通货膨胀, which has contributed to the recent surge in housing costs, has impacted individuals’ purchasing power. 12bet官方研究所的研究显示,自2019冠状病毒病大流行以来,所有收入水平和种族群体的实际现金余额都在下降, reaching a three-year low in March 2023 (Wheat & 亡灵,2023). 更高的利率, aimed at reigning in rising prices, 这进一步威胁到购房者的负担能力,并限制了新开发项目的融资.

Given the scale and complexity of this challenge, 我们认为,私营部门必须与政府和非营利组织合作进行设计, 实现, 规模协作, cross-sector solutions to housing underproduction, 可购性, 和股票. 三个行动引人注目. 第一个, 企业应考虑可用于住房开发和获取的各种商业实践和资产. 其次,商业智能应该为住房政策设计提供信息,并推动人们的关注和行动. 最后, 企业应支持社区主导的改善工薪家庭住房选择的举措. 

The private sector is diverse in business size and structure, 劳动力就业, customers and communities served, and products and services offered. Companies can leverage their unique assets for housing development and access. As a large financial institution, 例如, 12bet官方 announced in 2022 a 5-year, 300亿美元承诺, of which $14 billion was allocated toward financing the creation and preservation of 100,000 multifamily rental housing units in underserved communities. We have already surpassed that goal. 2022年底, 我们的商业定期贷款保护经济适用房计划提供了180亿美元的贷款,以激励保护169套住房,000个单位, 增加了3美元.8 billion of construction and rehabilitation of 7,500 负担得起的 housing units for low- and moderate-income households, and expanded Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) investments by an incremental $1.180亿年.

Other organizations will have different resources, 专业知识, 和影响, each of which they can use to help increase access to housing that the U.S. 劳动力负担得起. Hospitals, 例如, can help close the financing gap for 负担得起的 housing. Aligned with community health objectives and tailored to employee needs, 医院可以捐赠土地, enhance credit or provide direct loans to lower financing costs, 并贡献工作人员时间或赠款资金,以支持致力于开发无障碍住房的社区组织的能力(Reynolds等人)., 2019). 12bet官方(12bet官方)正在努力通过向卫生系统和其他主要机构提供融资,帮助扩大住房金融生态系统, 面向任务的影响基金, 房地产投资者, 私营企业开发新的住房,租金比传统的经济适用房或市场价住房的收入范围更广.

The 专业知识 and knowledge of the business community can help inform policy and drive action. 例如, 12bet官方政策中心对人造住房生态圈的研究以及社区合作伙伴的见解为我们的建议提供了依据,即实现住宅制造业的现代化,并实施政策,将人造住房提升为可行的住房拥有途径(2023年)。. 基于该公司通过LIHTC等成功的公共项目为经济适用房融资的经验, 12bet官方(12bet官方)认为,需要扩大公共资金和监管改革,以增加高质量产品的供应, 负担得起的 homes for purchase and rent. 我们支持建立新的联邦社区住房税收抵免的提议,以帮助中低收入社区的房主翻新独栋独立住宅,并消除州和地方在机会相连的社区建造经济适用房的障碍, including restrictive zoning and land use policies (12bet官方政策中心). 

全国范围内, 社区主导的倡议正在努力改善数百万工薪家庭的住房供应. By working with businesses that can provide financial support, lend the 专业知识 of their employees, or elevate promising and impactful projects and initiatives, these organizations can focus on housing underproduction, 不可用, 和不平等. 测试和扩展满足不同社区需求的各种模型对于在对抗生产不足方面取得渐进式但有意义的进展非常重要.

例如, 我们公司向洛杉矶创世纪和其他社区合作伙伴提供资金,以利用加州SB9等亲住房政策,开发新的住房所有权模式,并增加在以前划为独立住宅的地块上建造的单元数量. 我们还向非营利开发商Come Dream Come Build提供资金,以试点体积模块化建筑模式,以降低成本并增加里奥格兰德河谷的住房拥有率, 德州, with plans to scale in other states.

除拨款资助外, we provide impact-focused equity investments in promising market solutions, such as a mixed-income housing fund managed by MSquared, 一家女性拥有的房地产开发和基金管理公司,致力于创造混合收入, mixed-use projects in fast-growing and increasingly un负担得起的 metropolitan regions, addressing a critical market gap. 

Tackling the challenge of housing underproduction may seem daunting. 几十年来实施的政策和做法在结构性供应不足方面发挥了一定作用,这将需要很多年才能解决, 即使付出最大的努力. These policies have also contributed to residential segregation, linking housing availability with intertwined challenges of educational, 经济, 环境公平.

We believe this daunting challenge can be met with policymakers, 社区领袖, and the private sector joining together to advance change. Working collaboratively across sectors, 我们可以解决使许多居民无法扎根的结构性障碍, 把邻居称为家, 为未来做计划.
